Links I Love

I'm liking how Monday's have become more about celebrating the weekend, curating a great list of finds from the last couple days, and adding extra oompf to an otherwise blah day of the week. This weekend I hearted all the pineapple things, celebrated summer with festive drinks, and enjoyed a fabulous brunch at NeMa Lounge in Downtown Wilmington. What was your weekend like? To boost your Monday spirits, here are nine links I just can't get enough of...

1. Love this fun fact about The Graduate

2. Obsessed with this allowance method

3. New York City to provide free tampons and pads in public schools, prisons, and shelters. Hallelujah. 

4. A yoga practice perfect for runners. 

5. This top might be the solution to my big-shoulder worries.

6. Pretty lingerie. 

7. Surprising reason men don't wear condoms.  

8. Have you been cutting pineapple all wrong?  

9. Twelve rooms with just beyond gorgeous tiling. 

Have a great week! Xx. 

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