Links I Love

New week, new nine. 

This week is going to be pretty exciting and pretty busy, but I'm trying to embrace the good and leave little room for doubt or bad. That's what life is all about, right? How do you sort the bad from the good? Do you make lists, workout, talk to someone? I've been doing a lot of three and finding slow but sure progress. I guess that is life too? Progress. One thing that always keeps me smiling is rounding up these nine links from the web.

Here are the weekly finds...

1. I've been eating this soup once a day for a week. Too good. 

2. What do you think about animal prints at the office?

3. Simply love this sweet walk to school

4. Fifteen career tips from smart women. 

5. I relate to this. A lot. 

6. Five new health foods and drinks coming to stores.

7. Refinery29 just opened their Halloween tab. Yes. 

8. Reeeeaaaaallllllllly fun breakfast ideas.

9. Home and texture inspiration

Have an excellent week! Xx. 

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